Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Social Butterfly

Anyone that knows me knows that I love to meet people. I am a social butterfly that flutters back and forth between groups of people talking, laughing and making jokes. Being social is not really something that I have done in awhile. They always say that jealousy is a green eyed monster that can eat you alive and I have found that it is very true. This was partly why I have only now begun to be social again.

In the last month, I have met some amazing new people. My roommate is AWESOME- I love her! She has been an encouraging reason in opening up my limited social circle and has even invited me to go out with her and her friends the next time that she goes out. No, we don't go hang out at clubs getting tanked like college kids- we both have kids ourselves! But it will be nice to have social interactions with people my own age that can speak full words and don't just growl and grunt at me, although there will always be the few that do :)

I hope that I will be able to continue to meet new fantastic people and keep my social circle growing. You never know when you are going to need a friend for something and who can be your helping hand. The more people you have that surround you with support and the potential help that you need, the better off in life you will be.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Good for you! I am not very social anymore, but it is nice to once in awhile.


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