Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Well 2011 was a decent one, although several less than pleasant things happened throughout the year. The good things that did happen include; health of myself and my baby boy, finding an AMAZING guy like Raph, having the ability to work for myself successfully, and getting started with school again. Unfortunately, I get to spend the first day of the year doing my taxes. How I loathe taxes, but how I love the refund! I decided to try and do it today so that I can get it back as soon as physically possible. So because I have been slacking miserably, I am going to try and post every day of the year, at least once, but hopefully more. Here are my New Year's goals of the year.

1. blog daily- I really want to get good at this working for myself and creating my own income so that I don't have to worry about taking a day off as often as I did in 2011. I want to blog daily to help get my information out there and hopefully it will be something that will inspire at least one person.
2. work less, earn more- That's right. I want to work less but continue earning money through my residual sites I write for. Don't be surprised if you see links for articles I've done pop up from time to time and also, don't forget to click on them as well. :)I want to master social networking to aid in my earning potential as well.
3. Complete the 50 book challenge- This year, I am going with the theme of nurture. I want to nurture my mind and feed it full of books. Hail loves books and I do too but I need a little more mental stimulation than One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. I have tried this challenge several times and have always fallen a few books short. I suspect this year will also be difficult because I now have a little one that I have to deal with first and foremost before reading, unlike before.
4. Take a Class and Learn Something- I have just started knitting and admittedly I am not good at it. I have figured out how to make a simple rib using knit and purl stitches but I know nothing else. This will be the world's longest scarf if I don't learn to cast off.
5. Get Healthy- Each year I say that I'm going to lose weight and it never happens the way that I want it to. This year, I'm going to more loosely define it so that I will still be getting healthy but don't necessarily have to limit myself to just losing weight. I really want to start drinking more water and figure out what is causing and how to fix my iron issue.
6. Spend More Time Adventuring with Hail- As many of you may know, we just recently moved to Portland. Because of the odd weather we've had this year, we haven't had time to really explore and venture out into our new world. I want to explore things, go to the mountains, ballet, Saturday Market, Ape Caves, just do things we haven't gotten to explore yet. I want to create awesome, lasting memories with him that he will remember the rest of his life.

I'm sure that there are many more things that I would love to do but I can't really think of any right now. Me and my little buddy, a big 15 months old today, are going to go get in trouble at the grocery store :)

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