Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's Been Awhile

So it has been awhile since I have posted on my blog. Life has been hectic and crazy. for those of you that are wondering, here's what's been going on.

I finished my fitness challenge. In total I lost 60 lbs and 5 inches. WOOHOO! I'm not anywhere near where I want to be but I'm getting closer everyday.

Hail is growing like the speed of light. He is nearly 3 feet tall and weighs a ton. He's so cute (I"m not biased at all)!! He has 4 teeth now and knows a few words. Dada is his favorite which I'm really trying to break him of, but he also knows no-no (because of Auntie No-No), Nigh-Night, mama, baba, papa and Momo. He has started crawling and pulling himself up to things as well. He gets around fast too! He sits up a little bit but falls over just as quickly. I think it's because he's so tall-- it throws off his equilibrium.

My divorce was made final in April and now I have the most amazing boyfriend that is the sweetest guy in the world. Not only do we love him to death, but he loves us to death too. Here's a picture of him and Hail when we went to the zoo.

Other than that, life has been work, work, work :)

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