Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Time Management

Time management is something that I have always struggled with. I never know when to stop working on a project and move onto the next. This quarter could also prove to be a huge challenge for me as I have a full course load with over 15 expected hours of homework and I want to work as well so that I can keep some sort of money flow in my home. Regardless of the fact that the household expenses have been taken care of through financial aid.

One of my classes is an online class, working to create my own virtual assistant business. this course will be hugely beneficial in my work life, hence the reason for taking it. Luckily, I was able to finish all my coursework for the week because it has all been light since it's the beginning of the quarter. I haven't worked in a few days, so I know my revenue share is low. Hopefully when I get home from school tonight, I will have some time to work on some articles I have been composing.

I guess, my overall question for everyone is this; how do I spread my time out to care for all my responsibilities- parenting, school, and work?

1 comment:

DJ said...

It sounds like you've taken the first step just by asking the question. At least you are aware that you need to budget your time to meet these priorities. I commend you for that. As for advice - the only thing I can say from my experience with an online class is to compartmentalize your time to an extent. When I was online in class I focused only on that. Later when I wanted to spend time with family and friends I did just that. Focus on one thing at a time and things don't blend into each other and create problems.


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