Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Well it's that day again, probably the most undivided day of the year; 25% like Valentine's Day, the other 75% hide in the house and avoid going out if they can. Today is my nephew's 4th birthday. Happy Birthday Anthony!!!!

Personally, I'm a little mixed up about this Valentine's Day. While I have a sweetheart, the older one won't be home from school until 11PM and Hail is grouchy from teething. Also, I suspect that he has been getting up in the middle of the night to play now that he's in his big boy bed. (I woke up in the middle of the night hearing, "weee, weee, weeee!") So my Valentine's Day is coning to consist of homework by myself, watching Teen Mom 2. I have a weird/sick fascination with that show. I know it is all drama and teen issues but I can't stop watching.

On the up side, I got my first two assignments for CBS. I am freaking out about it because one of them is due Thursday and I haven't written to a specific format/deadline in months. I feel like I'm a little rusty!


Sheltie Times said...

Hope it was a great one.

C.Mahan said...

I know that sucked in feeling of Teen Mom 2 only too well!


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