Monday, April 16, 2012

50 book challenge-Book 13- The Invisible Ring

This is the 13th book I have read for my challenge, and it is also the 4th Anne Bishop book that I have read. It is the 4th book of the Black Jewels series and I have to say, this has been my least favorite. It took me FOREVER to get through because none of the characters are the same, it was difficult to get into because it is actually a prequel that should have been the first book. The book is called the Invisible Ring and doesn't have much to do with a ring at all.

While the plot of the story was decent,it took forever to get to. It started as a story of a journey to buy slaves, then you find out that the person purchasing the slaves isn't whom she is supposed to be, and they have a spy amongst them. Unfortunately, the story isn't as exciting as I just made it sound. I hope that the next book is going to be much better. I feel that had this story started as the first in the series as I feel that it should have been, the story would have flowed better. There are suck rich characters in the main series that I missed them throughout the whole series.


Sheltie Times said...

Then again if this had been the first book and it is as bad as you say would you have continued?

I'm sorry it was bad. I hate when a promising series lacks a good editor to keep it on track.

Nik said...

The Invisible Ring was the first book set in the Realm of the Blood that Anne Bishop published. It can be read before or after the three Black Jewels Trilogy books. I think it's enjoyable either way.

It has a lot to do with a ring. An invisible one. One that drives the protagonist mad because he can't seem to sense the ring at all, but he knows that it binds and controls him, which is why he does what he does.

It's a good primer for how the Blood are supposed to be, and how they're slowly getting perfected by Dorothea SaDiablo. I really enjoyed this book because it was a look in to the realm of the blood without the incredible Mary Sue that is Jaenelle.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting you could share it Here!


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