Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just Can't get Ahead

Balance. It's something I've struggled with for a long time. It seems that once I get ahead in some part of my life, I fall behind in other parts. Hail and I spend a lot of time together and because of this, we are developing an awesome relationship and he is getting smarter and smarter with each day that passes. He is learning a lot, more than I ever thought someone his age ever could in such a short time, but I guess what they say is true- babies are like sponges and they absorb everything.

Because I spend so much time with Hail, my work is falling farther and farther behind. I am trying to build a residual income so that I won't have to work nearly as much, but in order to have that passive income, I have to write the articles that will generate that income to begin with. At the start of the month, I had a plan to do 3 articles a day, I thought that this was a reasonable goal so that my passive income would grow. However, I am now 27 articles behind. That is really not good. I am not the fastest writer, but even so, 3 articles a day was something I could easily do had I the time to do it.

The last couple weeks I've been suffering from a mystery illness. I have had right side kidney pain, the need to use the bathroom every 30 seconds without being able to and on occasion throwing up. :( I went to the doctor and they told me that they had no clue what was wrong with me. They ran a bunch of tests, checking for pregnancy, a urine analysis, CAT scan, blood draws and they can't find any sign of infection, illness or anything wrong with me. Because the pain and overall sickness has persisted, I had to go to the specialist to see if they could find anything. He thought that perhaps I was passing a kidney stone. Nope. Then he told me that it could be muscle pain. I don't really see how muscle pain could make me have to pee all the time, but I'm not the doctor. Before I left he told me I was fine and not to lift ANYTHING for ten days to see if it improves. Being a single mom, that is just not going to work at all. Have you ever tried to tell an infant no, I won't pick you up? It just isn't going to happen. This was another instance of reasons why I am farther behind. Not only did I take the bus to get to the doctor's office, but I was there for nearly three hours getting tests and lab work done.

The two things I am most pleased about about my doctor's visit is that my blood pressure is back to normal and I no longer have to be on medication. I have also lost another TEN POUNDS since the first of the year. GO ME!! I am now 30 pounds less than what I weighed before I got pregnant with Hail. Woohoo! I guess that's what being on a mostly liquid caffeine diet does to you...


Sheltie Times said...

I hate those mystery illnesses. On the one hand you are grateful they don't have bad news to tell you. On the other hand, not knowing is so frustrating because there is no end in site to the problem.

Angie - The Work at Home Wife said...

I'm confident that you will get back on track with your writing goals. I wish you best of luck with your mysterious illness. Hopefully it will disappear as quickly as it showed up. Big congrats on your weight loss!

Mandy said...

wow the weight loss is awesome Nicole! I hope that they can figure out what is wrong with you. I think you are doing good on residual and it will come with time.

C.Mahan said...

Like Bailey said, mystery illnesses suck, but not knowing makes it worse. I will be praying for the best for you. As for work, we all have those moments where we get behind. Just pick up when you can!

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