Monday, January 24, 2011

Starting a New Series

So I have been preparing to start writing a new series for awhile now, and I have started working on it today. As many of you know- or don't- I am working on getting my professional baking degree. My absolute favorite thing is cupcakes. I love cupcakes. How can you not? They are the perfect solution to having your cake and eating it too. They are bite-sized and small enough to fit in your hand. In my head, smaller means better. Half the calories, fat,sugar, clogged arteries- err.. did I say that out loud? For all these reasons and many more, this makes cupcakes perfect.

Now, since we would all like to be super-mom but don't have the time to do so, most of these recipes are perfect for the "at home baker" as I like to call them because they come from a box, wearing a fancy dress to look as if they are something else. That is to say, it's a box mix with some stuff in it to fool your friends and family to think that you slaved away over a hot oven all day making something fabulous when in reality- it might take you 30 minutes. For anyone that wants to follow- here's where you can find all my new delicious cupcake recipes as well as many other fabulous food, holiday and parenting articles that may be helpful to some or entertaining to others. And don't be afraid to comment, become a fan or follow me. There's always new stuff going up and always something to talk about.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

You always make me want to bake!


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